For years I've been brick walled at about 1650 in Lincolnshire/Nottingham with my TOULSON family. We've long suspected that possibly a TOULSON from the North (possibly Yorkshire) migrated down during the Civil War. There are clusters of TOULSON's in Yorkshire, Durham, Cumbria, London, and Kent. We suspect there is some connections, but have never been able to prove it.
Recently the new Ancestry DNA results from the Christmas sales have begun appearing, and I found a new match that goes back to Bridekirk, Cumbria - where there is a well documented TOULSON/TOLSON family. This got me to thinking that maybe I should check the alternative spelling in my DNA matches -- so I put in TOLSON in the search engine. Why had I NEVER thought of this before????
What an amazing result, suddenly across all 4 kits that I manage for my immediate family, I had matches on the surname TOLSON, TOLESON and TOLLESON that all go back to Dewsbury in Yorkshire (as well as a few to Bridekirk, Cumbria). There seems to be a definite connection from Dewsbury into South Carolina in the USA during Colonial times.
There are also multiple matches to TOLSON's in Northumberland County, Virginia.
This is hugely exciting, and I will be working with one of my cousins to continue sorting all of this new information out!