This past few weeks has been an absolute bonanza of new cousin discoveries! After a trip to Ireland, I came back with tons of new clues, new cousins and new lines to explore. It's been almost overwhelming -- when it rains it pours!
From one small note, and a photograph we've uncovered some amazing discoveries, resolved some mysteries, and found hundreds of new cousins! Truly mind blowing.
This note told of a heretofore unknown Great Grand Aunt (Anne Walsh), born well before the baptism records in 1833 -- and marrying into another side of my family (the Toole's of Leam). This led to a discovery of 10 children, and many descendants from there - many of whom went to Boston.
A cousin we visited, had this photo of his Uncle Michael Walsh, on his wall. Michael went to Boston, and upon further research, we unraveled a long standing mystery, regarding who the cousin Michael Walsh was that my Grandmother was emigrating to! The address she lists on her passenger list for cousin Michael Walsh, matches the address he used on his naturalization, where he lists his birthplace as Letterfir.
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